Derive Macros

Derive relearn::spaces::FeatureSpace for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive relearn::spaces::FiniteSpace for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive relearn::spaces::Indexed for an enum without internal data.

Derive relearn::spaces::LogElementSpace for a struct.

Derive relearn::spaces::NonEmptySpace for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive Space and other space traits for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive relearn::spaces::SampleSpace for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive relearn::spaces::Space for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.

Derive relearn::spaces::SubsetOrd for a struct as a Cartesian product space of its fields.